Monday, September 30, 2013

Midnight Run

So this shoot took place at 9 at night. My favorite part of this shoot was when my flash was acting up. So at times I was forced to use no flash. But with out the falsh overheating this image wouldn't have been born. Thank you Courtney! You're always a treat to work with!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Morning Light

SO excited for sweater weather! This shoot is all about the rainy dark sweater weather days to come! It's my absolute favorite weather. This is me beckoning its "hot chocolate by the fire with a big blanket" kind of days! Bring it on, winter! 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Los Angeles Grunge

So I have known Alex for a couple years now, and I'm wondering why we haven't done shoots more often! He's got a natural talent for the camera! I didn't even need to tell him to do anything, he just struck pose after pose making my job very easy! We wanted to do something very Los Angeles/Grunge themed, and I couldn't be happier with the result! I'm so excited for all the future shoots with this guy!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Touch of Magic

So I came up with this idea last night at about 8 p.m. This shoot took place this morning at 10 a.m. I was sitting in a parking lot when the idea hit me. I need to do it. And as soon as possible. Danielle was more than happy to oblige! We talked hair, makeup, accessories, themes, and Danielle was able to bring a look to the shoot I absolutely love! 


I saved the best for last! This ones my favorite!!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

9/11 Forever in Our Hearts

  So this past June, I had the opportunity to go to New York City! Which was a HUGE deal for me since I had spent my entire life staring at pictures of the Empire State building, Statue of Liberty and Brooklyn Bridge and thinking, "One day, Ill be there at these monuments. I will make this happen." So I did! It was an AMAZING, eye opening trip. One of my favorite things about the trip was visiting the 9/11 Memorial. Now before I begin, let me back up to September 11, 2001. I honestly remember this day so vividly. I was in the second grade, and I had gone to my next door neighbors house to meet up with her so we could walk to school together like we did every morning. Well, she was running late so I came inside to wait. And on the T.V. her mother was watching the Twin Towers collapse on the news. And me as my second grade self, I didn't understand what that was or even if it was real. I honestly thought she was watching a movie. It wasn't until I got to school that my teacher explained to the class what had happened earlier that morning. 

Fast forward to June 2013, and this is when I was able to go and stand in that special and beautiful Memorial. While standing near the edge of the gaping whole that is now a waterfall feature, I just couldn't help but think that this, right where I'm standing at that moment is where the horrific tragedies happened twelve years prior. Staring down into the whole in the center of the waterfall, I just felt so empty inside. Such a tragedy for our entire country. While standing on the grounds and walking around to the different sides, there were the names of each individual who was killed in the terrorist attacks. Whether they were firefighters, office employees, passengers on the plane or just people who were too close at that moment. It really shook me, to run my fingers on the engraved names and think all of these innocent people  that died. But the Memorial was such a breathe taking way to remember all of the wonderful people who were killed that horrific day. There is so much power and energy when walking the grounds. You could literally feel the energy and vibes from the Memorial. And the best part about this Memorial was that it was so quiet. Which is such a blessing coming from New York City. I like to think it was New York City, itself paying its respect to the horrific event and its effects on the country. But it must be the way it was built, but all you could hear was the water rushing down. I don't recall ever hearing any of the boisterous noises that a city that never sleeps can bring.

As you walk about the site, there are huge poster pictures of countries around the world with signs and banners, rendering their support in our time of loss and strife. I think that was so beautiful for them to include that part in the Memorial. It reminds us all that we're all human beings and we should be nice to each other and lend a hand in time of need or a shoulder in times of grief. 
I love New York, and it was such a blessing for me to go and witness the Memorial and many other beauties the city holds. If you have not already, I urge you to go to this Memorial and see and feel for yourself the beautiful way they portrayed such a tragic act. I will never forget my experiences spent in New York in that Memorial, or even the day it happened.

 Their memory will always be apart of me and our country. May we never forget 9/11. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Free Your Mind

Last week I had the pleasure of photographing Tasha and Hilary! I'm very excited about this shoot because it is in one of my favorite spots to just sit and reflect. I just love how freeing they look in these photos! Enjoy! 

Monday, September 2, 2013

A New Light with Tallia: Trending in Fashion

I'm so very sad summer is over. And not for the conventional reasons (swimming, beach days, etc.) I'm sad we're loosing such pretty summer light! I love the summer golden light the sun brings at about 5 o clock each day. My favorite part of the day! It makes my drive home from work extra special! ;) For this shoot, Tallia found a beautiful dress from Forever 21! But I'll Let her explain it! Read it all on her blog, +Tallia: Trending in Fashion!

About Me

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Rebecca McKenzie is a Wedding and Fashion Photographer from Cypress, California.