Meet my girls! These AMAZING friends I've been blessed to know double as models! (L to R: Megan Thomas, Danielle Materra, Ashley Mahony, Me, Catherine Walder, Allie McKenzie. Not pictured: Courtney Martinez.)
Disclaimer: sorry this post is gonna be a lot of reading..
Here's how I'm gonna do this blog post and sharing the photos and videos of the show. Today is part 1! So each day, I'll be sharing a photo shoot for the show. Keep in mind, these photos have NEVER been seen by anyone except myself (and the models got to see one photo from their shoot) but until last night, I had not shared these photos with a single soul. So these photos I hold dear to my heart. They're photos of my favorite places with my favorite models portraying a very troubling year I conquered. HERE WE GO!
So! I created the idea for the show back in October of 2013. Yes, a whole 6 months ago. I drew up plans, and layouts, and started gathering models long before I knew what the show was about. It wasn't until about the 3rd shoot I planned, that I realized I was planning to portray a stage of metamorphosis I endured October of 2012- until March 2013. Catch the months there? I did that on purpose. I started this journey of change in October of 2012 and reached its shining end of the tunnel by last March.
On to the set up! (I know you've all been waiting to see this!)
Our backyard, could barely be classified as such. It was more of a 2 ton rock collection/ wheel barrel and ladder storage area/ dead grass and dirt pit of despair. Look for yourself! (It was an eye sore!)
It was a MESS to say the least. But, much like each detail of the show, it was symbolic for me to have to transform such a mess of a place to something that could be classy and beautiful enough to host an art show in. So, as a family, we knew we'd be redoing the backyard for, well, obvious reasons... haha this just sped up the process!
SO we took this....
and transformed it into...
sorry for the low quality video!
We started tearing up the yard in January and planted grass the last week or so of February! I was really worried about the grass growing in time, but that grass grew so fast, I've never seen anything like it!
I hope you enjoyed reading all about the show last night! It was just perfect!
Me spending the last few minutes of THE EGG OF THE PHOENIX alone in my yard listening to my favorite band on vinyl.
Stay tuned!
Starting tomorrow, PHOTOS!!! and lots of em!!!
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