Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I'm slowly releasing these photos a shoot at a time and I'm getting antsy. I've waited close to 6 months to share these shoots and I'm taking my sweet time. But now I'm wondering if im just gonna crack one of these days and release them all at once!!!! AH! too excited.

On to the second shoot, with my dear friend and amazingly talented model, Courtney Martinez.

Qualm: [kwahlm] noun: an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry or fear. especially about one's conduct; a misgiving.

This shoot was so perfect. Each and every one was just perfect. It was actually a lot harder to take these photos than what meets the eye. I had to straddle a Jacuzzi wall and not fall into either the Jacuzzi or fall onto Courtney in the pool. Not to mention how many times Courtney had to look graceful and pose while giving the right emotion and stay afloat all in the same instance. Hats off to her! She did it perfectly!

The best part of this shoot, is we did this shoot at 2pm, and I had a flight to San Francisco at 4pm that day. Talk about time pressure! It all worked out great though, got the shots I needed and made it to the airport in the nick of time! We got there right as they were calling our fellow passengers to get ready for boarding. too funny.. But it makes for quite the story! ;)

More and more and even more photos coming! Don't you worry your little heart!


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About Me

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Rebecca McKenzie is a Wedding and Fashion Photographer from Cypress, California.