Friday, March 21, 2014


Well, here is the turning point in my story. Yesterday's was about my awakening and asking myself who I want to become and if I'm even on the right road. Well, here is the part that comes after the big decision to change who I was.
This is my good friend since elementary school, Catherine Walder.

Sonder: [sahn-der]noun: the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.

hair and makeup by Jessica Lee

I decided on the word, "sonder", because not only is it my favorite word, it's the epitome of what I was going through during this trying time. I was holding back on a lot of details to my family and friends and especially the public eye. After I said my goodbyes, I was completely alone. I would find myself in dark rooms a lot and letting myself feel pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. During this time, I always thought of the word "sonder" because I had my own issues and problems, but so did every other soul on this planet. Every soul who has ever lived, is living or will live, has their own set of problems just like me. The universe is not out to get me, it's apart of life to run into trials that show themselves in the form of mountains. 

I used bones and minimal clothing to really exemplify, I had nothing. I had cut off every tie of the person I was; a very trying decision in and of itself. But, spoiler alert... I'm so much happier than I have ever been in my lifetime; all due to this excruciatingly hard year I conquered.

I hope you know that if you're going through this time period yourself, please know that you are loved. And it gets better. It gets exuberant amounts of better. Trust me on this.


Tomorrow's post is gonna be so wonderful and sparkly! ;) Just you wait!!!

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Rebecca McKenzie is a Wedding and Fashion Photographer from Cypress, California.